Monday, February 21, 2011


Heres a thought that has made it's way in my mind time & time again this past month.

Everyone is facing an inner battle. Majority of people will not bring up those issues but we should always be ready to help and always treat everyone with kindness. Don't be afraid to go the extra mile and make someone smile.. you never know when someone could be crying for help inside.

This is not new knowledge for me. We are all human and go through the same types of things every day... But why is it that I keep thinking of this? As for now I take it that I need to be more aware of the people that I come in contact with and always try to give a listening ear even when what people talk about isn't necessarily of great importance. Sometimes people just need to be heard.

Everyone is in need of a friend. Everyone wants to feel special and loved. Everyone wants to have someone to trust, someone to laugh with, someone to confide in.

Jesus Christ was the PERFECT friend and if I want to be like Him I need to work on being one too!

1 comment:

The Elcocks said...

Very Well said! You are soo good at being that listening ear though! I need to work on being better at it! Love you!